
Our Mission:

To feed and nourish people who seek connection -

with coffee, food, community, and Jesus!

Coffee church on Palm Sunday

More about our Mission

Cafe Quetzal is a coffee shop and a non-traditional church coffee community inviting people who are seeking authentic spirituality in the world. We are a community that values every step of the journey of life and faith, even challenges and rejections of it. We value the depth of meaning in each question, each doubt, each surprise, and each witness. We believe we are better when we come together with diverse thoughts and experiences and share the different ways that we know and experience God.

Authentic Relationships

Barb and Pastor Christine at the prayer wall

From the love poured out in every cup of coffee and every plate of food, to our prayer wall, to our meditation nook, to our meeting room, we are called to be a place of radical welcoming and authenticity, reveling in our diversity, honoring and engaging the divine in each of us, and in God’s presence with us in the every-day.

Cafe Quetzal will birth a new generation of authentic human beings who love deeply in the world. It is a movement: a call to service, a call to love, and a call to integrate our spirit with the rest of our lives. It is a call to reclaim the somewhat lost ideas that all is sacred, that God doesn’t live only in steepled buildings, and that all the world is a sanctuary.

Exploring and Dreaming

Dreaming with our board about the future...look at those bare walls! It looks so different now thanks to our awesome community!

At Café Quetzal we gather around tables to know and love one another and the world more fully. We are intentional about connecting to God by seeing the divine spark in one another and being curious and courageous to cocreate life together.

Cafe Quetzal is inspired by the witness of the Wesleyan movement of long ago, a movement which focused on deep connections with the self, with others, and with God, that lead out into the world in connection and service. It was a movement of intentional personal and social holiness that listened carefully to the winds of the Spirit and danced with the Divine. It was a movement towards spirituality and away from religiosity. The spirit is moving in the hearts and lives of people today, calling for another movement towards revitalization and transformation.

Cafe Quetzal is in flight!

Justice - Locally and Abroad

We source our coffee from a single-origin farm in Guatemala as part of our call to live out our global interconnectedness. Locally, Cafe Quetzal is committed to working with the Topeka community and welcomes community partners to our space for events and advocacy work.

In addition, we donate all profits from jewelry sales to a different non-profit every month. We joyfully offer reimagined jewelry made from upcycled tins as just one way to reach out into the community. We also have a pay-it-forward board where patrons can pay for a drink or meal for someone else to enjoy when they come into the cafe. These intentional practices help us to foster relationships of compassion and justice and help to create a reality where all people live justly as divine siblings, working together and sharing the love of God.

We understand that we are cocreators of our community, and we are always looking for ways to partner with others in the community so that we can transform our city and world. We believe in abundance, and we are invested in making an impact in our community! Join us in our mission and life here!

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